Our server also includes other features such as: – Donator ranks and purchasable suits, ranks, nicknames, etc. – Claiming and ability to share claims with your friends Just like the Legends mod offers Superheroes, Star Wars, Horror, and Kaiju Fisk’s Evolved offers Superheroes, Star Wars, Transformers, Dinosaurs, and much more! It’s a very fun server and will be returning, release date is TBA, but lets just say Fisk’s Evolved will become Fisk’s Mega Evolved! I had an idea, just like Tihyo combined his four mods to create the Legends mod, why not combine all of Fisks mods to create soemthing similar? I was surprised no one had thought of this before because it was brilliant. If you all don’t know what Fisk’s Evolved is, it’s a server I made back last year.

All info on the server will be posted in my network, Divine Network’s discord: ”]