It delivers on the goods, makes us care for the characters(we can see thier happiness and pain) leaves us on the edge of our seats with suspense at the end of a lot of chapters. Overall: in NozokiAna we're treated to a very unique story with complicated characters that will keep you reading wanting more. The artwork makes the characters seem realistic, never exaggerated and they seem to be characters you would run in to in everyday life (though Ikuno would be rare but still possible) I kept reading and this one took me by a huge surprise! The story becomes rather complex, the strange relationship between the two neighbors, the typical seeming story standards found in most comedic manga and anime are traded down the line (actually pretty soon) with very heavy story dealing with power struggles, trust, relationships and the consequences associated with them. I'll admit the first chapter seemed as if this would be a typical pervy/ erotic story. Kido is shocked when Ikuno very matter of fact suggests he continue and that they take turns "peeping" on each other- she even goes as far as setting a schedule for who's day it is to peep on whom. A situation happens and Kido tries to apologize to Ikuno the next day hoping she doesn't see him as a peeper. He notices a small hole in the wall of his apartment, it goes all the way to the next apartment where he sees Ikuno. The story synopsis: Kido has just moved into a new apartment and is attending college.